Comfort in the familiar.

    We see each other differently than those around us. They may not know or may not be aware of our glance or our stare. But we see each other. Each of us, while out and about, are drawn to a familiar type, whether it's a person, place, thing, or idea. No, this isn't a grammar lesson but rather a thought that intrigued me while traveling. 

    As my wife and I sat in a restaurant, I looked out the window and saw a couple walk by. I gave the guy a head nod and a smile, and almost in unison he replied with the same. I want to believe only we saw this exchange; but no matter what we think, we are not special. People are all the same. I believe everyone finds comfort in a familiar (anything that they can relate to) when out and about. People confirm this idea every day. If you dont believe me, watch how people act following the Superbowl. They will be acting as if they played in the game. I say this jokingly because there is nothing wrong with being passionate about what you are interested in. This is just to support a theory. 
    Once a familiar is chosen or adopted the US and THEM behavior kicks in, but that is a conversation for another time. I thought it was funny how a common person, place, thing or idea can bound total strangers and give comfort to people. Just my thoughts while out and about. 
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